20 Apr 2023

The article attached seems to state so. This article highlights the discussion that continues throughout the testing community. Is computer-based testing the way of the future or is it something that should be offered in tandem with a paper/pencil option? Do candidates score better with one versus the other? Are there candidates that genuinely test better using a pencil, scratch paper ...

20 Apr 2023

As testing organization’s certification bodies and educational institutions continue the monumental task of migrating to computer-based testing, the future is constantly evolving and is also unproven and unpredictable. Computer-based testing as the only modality of delivery lacks long term studies regarding efficacy. In the attempt to migrate to computer-based exam administrations, the s...

20 Apr 2023

It’s rare to find a human being without experience using a computer these days. However, just because someone has experience using a computer, does not mean they are experienced at using a computer. When renting computers with Proctors, Inc. the option is available (for an up charge) to rent touch screen computers for your exam administrations. Proctors, Inc. has added touch screens t...

20 Apr 2023

It’s a common misconception that all exams are being delivered on computers and that paper/pencil doesn’t exist. Paper/pencil testing is still around and, believe it or not, very successful when used in specific applications. There have been recent studies showing that some candidates score better on paper/pencil exams. Because stress is a major factor when taking an exam, paper/pencil a...

12 Apr 2023

With automation and outsourcing becoming standard operating procedure, for many companies these days, Proctors, Inc. does not outsource and is proud to provide the same 24/7 in house consistent customer service it always has, for the last 15 years. With Mobile Computer Labs for rent, we have evolved to meet our clients’ demands, without needing to outsource to a third party who doesn’t u...

12 Apr 2023

Proctors, Inc. is equipped to offer accommodations to the full spectrum of candidates who need certification. Since Proctors, Inc.’s inception, they have been passionate about making the test taking process enjoyable and accessible to everyone. With the proper documentation, and direction before the exam administration, Proctors, Inc. prides itself on an inclusive environment for all. ...

12 Apr 2023

Proctors, Inc. is evolving with the needs of on demand and event-based testing. Proctors, Inc. is continuing with live paper pencil testing and is proud to announce they have made online testing available with Mobile Computer Labs for rent. These rental labs provide the ability for online testing without the need of a brick-and-mortar computer-based testing center. We send the computers ...